Strange Bluetooth interference at machida station

My headphones flip out at machida and no where else. It’s crazy. Happens every day.

Does anyone else have this issue?

Does anyone have a spectrum analyzer I can borrow?

  1. Bluetooth uses the same frequency as a microwave oven.

    Any shops nearby? Could be a badly shielded oven.

  2. There’s a section of the Oimachi station platform that used to do it for me as well, but not recently.

    Outside of stations, I’ve noticed it near power substations, which are usually well camouflaged, but it [doesn’t look like there’s one close to Machida station](,139.4393125,15z). I would wager it might have to do with some older wireless devices the station uses (communication, cameras, etc.).

  3. My running course goes through an industrial port. If I run along the wharf and a ship has its radar running it disrupts the bluetooth reception on my ear buds.

  4. I also get this at traffic lights. There is a mass of signals in the modern world and it’s only getting worse.

  5. I go through or to Machida several times a week and it’s never happened to me. Chances are, even if you could find what’s causing the interference with your headphones, nothing is gonna happen anyway.

  6. Happens to me a lot at stations when on the platform. I always put it top just too many people also using bluetooth headphones as it usually stops once we all disperse.

  7. To me it regularly happens with my airpods at the roppongi crossing when walking under the overpass.
    The other person can’t hear me anymore, for them to hear me again once reaching the other side of the road.
    And it’s not a 5G issue, because (i tested it) if just using my phone normally without airpods nothing happens.

  8. At certain intersection my bluetooth always cracks and disconnects. there is probably some device using same wave. I assumed at the time must be either inside an electric cabinet nearby or device attached to traffic lights.

  9. Strange. Like whereabouts? On one of the train platforms? (or the other?) Walking between JR and Odakyu?

  10. Happens to me in Kawasaki station and before (?) shinagawa station. Assumed it was some frequency interference from something or too many people.

  11. I get it at most train stations and whenever I cross the road at proper traffic lights. I doubt it’s just Machida station.

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