Trying to memorized hiragana, what are some simple words that pronounce how they look?

A list of like 10 basic words would be nice to help me memorize as I write them out. For example, if こにいる was a word, it is spelt as it sounds, ko ni e ru. I’m struggling to memorize the character sounds.

  1. use an electronic dictionary that looks up words as you type; type letters you know and pick stuff you see that uses all or mostly letters you know. if you can’t find one from one starting point, try another starting point letter, you’ll definitely find some.

    also こにいる is ko ni >> i << ru, not ‘e’

  2. A few simple ones that I learned to read early on:

    すみません = sumimasen

    ありがとうございます = arigatou gozaimasu (only the “u” at the end of masu is silent)

    こんにちは = konnichiwa

    さようなら = sayounara

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