Can I use this Tuna for Sushi?

Howdy Sushi,

I purchased this tuna frozen (they also sell the same package unfrozen, although I presume previously frozen). Can I thaw this and use for sushi? In the past I have seared it and it is delicious but I would like to make some nigiri, maki, and poke bowl with this. Is it safe? Thanks so much!

  1. It says to cook thoroughly on the package. So it doesn’t seem to be intended to be eaten raw.

  2. Tuna that can be used for sushi is always marked as “sushi-grade” or “sashimi-grade”

  3. Nope. Sushi grade fish is usually pretty conspicuous with its labels and is most definitely not under $10/lb 🙂

    Edit: Darn, thought that my whole life, oh well haha. Either way, I’d tread with caution when eating fish raw that isn’t super fresh.

  4. In a poke bowl, ya just make sure you have enough onion and sauce to cut down the fishy flavor. Your better off buying it fresh from behind the glass and def asking howlong iits been there. Anything past 4 days is going to taste like shit. If you want at home sushi id recommend starting with tomago, salmon, or cooked shrimp. You really dont know what your getting when it comes to raw. Unless you go to like costco or metcafs.

  5. No. Of course not. Er, trying to be nice here, but $10/pd tuna is not remotely sushi grade. At least sear the exterior to remove processing contamination.

  6. Yes, and No.

    Yes, you can use it for sushi / consumed raw. Most tuna fished have been through the flash-frozen process on the boat when the fish was caught.

    No. This piece of fish most likely not going to taste great if consumed raw. These tuna steaks are commonly back and tail cuts, which contain less fat and have more of a fishy/irony taste. Also has more sinews so the mouthfeel is more tough. Personally best raw preparation is like other comment suggests, like poke.

    Marinate with soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, course ground mustard, green horse raddish in a tube aka Wasabi, bit of sugar, and lemon juice for 1 hour or so. Chunks need to be cut into smaller pieces so you don’t chew on long sinews.

    However, cooked preparation is gonna be better in this case.

  7. Well sure you could eat it raw and you’re probably not going to prolapse but no, as sushi/sashimi it’s gonna taste like shit. (Others have already pointed out why and the safety aspects)

    With fish, price has a direct correlation to quality. Just make sure you are buying from a good distributor.

    Here is one such distributor in case you’re interested:

  8. Chop it up and make spicy tuna and negitoro. It’s not good to turn into neta. Not the proper shape or cut

  9. OP please disregard most of these comments, the ones about sushi grade and stuff. The one you want is [this one]( While the term “sushi grade” doesn’t mean anything, there’s definitely a distinction between the cuts of tuna just like cuts of beef. You wouldn’t serve a flank steak the same way as a tenderloin or a pot roast cut. Unfortunately they don’t distinguish between these in packaging because most consumers don’t either. Would highly suggest cooking them – at the very least searing and slicing like tuna tataki. But you won’t get good flavor tuna out of a cut like this if you want nigiri or rolls. You could try to make rolls but it’ll likely just end up tough and mushy.

    Ultimately, it’s safe for eating in any of these forms – you are totally allowed to try all of these ways and decide for yourself.

  10. I would and do. As people said it’s not the best tuna to do it but it’s better than no sushi. And it’s been frozen for a long damn time.

  11. Just torch the outside, thinly slice then add some ponzu and sliced green onion on top & you’re good to go!

  12. Looks fine to me. I honestly don’t see them much sinew on it. Just cut against the grain if you are going to do sushi or a if you’re doing poke bowls just marinate it a little bit with soy sauce, onions, and whatever poke spice pack you can get a hold of.

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