how many hours a day should you study if you receive disability and have nothing to do during my sane days?

i have all day to study but I’ve basically just learned the alphabets except kanji and i have some decent vocab from anki list using tae kims guide but id like to expand into grammar more than anki how many flashcards can i study in a day? and what resources would add onto anki. should i read tae kims guide aswell? sorry if this has been asked a million times but i literally would like to study a good portion of my day and idk if flashcards are really up to what i want to accomplish everyday

  1. >I’ve basically just learned the **alphabets**

    Actually they are called **syllabaries** – or just ‘**the kana**’. Sounds pedantic, I know, but if you say ‘alphabet’ then people think of the English alphabet.

    Here’s [some advice and resources]( that might help. Study for as long as you want per day – just be sure not to burn out (give your brain adequate rest periods). 8 hours per day for 5 days a week will potentially see you to fluency in a year. 4 hours a day is probably more sustainable though.

  2. I’m on disability – on days you’re on fire, do around 4-6 hours. unless you have other hobbies ofc. Days you are tired just do anything you can. Keep that Anki streak the best you can. Or if you do absolutely nothing that’s fine too. If you burn for a few months you can always get back to it!

  3. A lot of students find success by blocking a set times every single day to study; those habits stick after a few weeks.

    One does not need 12 hour blocks to succeed. But on the days you are able, feel free to do additional studies.

    Anki can be good for reviewing material but I don’t like it for learning new material. And endless reviews can get “overwhelming”.

    So, consider adding other methods for learning Japanese, such as textbooks, or internet systems people recommend here.

    Good luck!

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