PR application

Question about this part on PR application.
“Documents that prove you have paid your resident tax at the appropriate time in the last 5 years.”

I have paid taxes on time but lost some of the receipts.
Any idea if city hall can provide documents with dates that I paid on time?
Or any alternative?

  1. I don’t know anything that shows you paid on time aside from the stamp on the receipt, but if you go to a tax office and request a document called 納税証明書その4 nouzeishyoumeishyou form 4, it is a document indicating which times your were considered tax delinquent and if it is a clean slate, then you are as good as anyone else I’d imagine.

  2. Get 課税証明書 and 納税証明書 from your ward office and 納税証明書その3 from your local tax bureau.

  3. Are you not looking on the official page? There’s a written list of the documents actually needed. You can just take that list to the tax office and they’ll prepare what you need from them. I did this is 2021 November.

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