Visa Question/ Leaving my current job

Hey guys, im in the middle of job hunting and im not trying to renew my contract with my current company at the end of March. My visa is good for the next 3 years.

If the situation arises where i would be still looking for another job after not renewing my contract with my current company will my visa still be valid? If so, for how long?

1 comment
  1. For work status of residency, Immigration consider actively job hunting the same as engaging in your status of residency (which is to work).

    So as long as you’re actively job hunting and paying your dues (pension, health insurance, resident tax, income tax) and following the basic resident register law correctly (i.e maintaining legal residency I.e.e maintaining an address) and follow immigration law correctly by notifying them within 14 days after your final day with current employer (see here or here use the correct link for which visa you’re on) and also obtaining the correct permissions should you get a part time job outside the scope of your SOR/CoAE (see here Then you’re all good until your SOR expires.

    However, If you’re just traveling around within Japan, or overseas (I.e not engaging in your SOR) and/or not paying your dues and/or not following immigration law, and the basic resident register law correctly, then immigration *can* start the process to revoke it after 3 months.

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