I am looking for free audiobooks/podcasts where a native Japanese speaker reads a children’s story.

I can’t seem to find anything on Spotify and I’ve done a bit of Google searching (not tons) and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for.

I am mainly looking for hours and hours of content for listening experience at a mostly beginner, potentially slightly intermediate level. I don’t expect what I’m looking for to be free, but if anyone knows a good source thatd be great.

If not free, can you maybe recommend good listening audiobooks/podcasts/apps? Again, I’m really looking for children’s books, not grammar lessons or just vocab.

  1. The people behind the tadoku free graded readers recently launched their [youtube channel](https://m.youtube.com/@tadokuorg) where they uploaded I believe almost all their audio for their free books. I don’t like the sound effect that marks the end of the page but it’s a great free resource.

  2. Not sure about podcasts but there is a ton of content like this on YouTube, just search “children’s stories in japanese” you could then just make a Playlist of the ones you want to listen to.

  3. Comprehensible Japanese offers audio file downloads of all of her videos as a patreon perk; you could join for a month ($5), download all the audio, then unsubscribd. Some of the videos are kid’s stories, but not all of them. They all make for great listening practice though.

    There are also tons and tons of podcasts out there for free, what about those doesn’t work for you?

  4. I’m assuming it doesn’t have to be children’s stories per se, but just that level of content? You could try Nihongo con Teppei for beginners podcast. He speaks slowly and clearly end tells little stories or just talks about simple things. The podcast are short, but there are many hundreds of them on his website. Maybe on Spotify too, not sure. Apple Podcasts don’t have the full backlog.

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