Still struggling with Grammar

Despite reading a lot of Tae Kim’s guide, I still don’t remember nor have a clue on how to use the grammar points in it. I was hoping to use Bunpro and Bunpo so I could practice grammar to get it into my head but… Paywall :/

I want to make my own sentences too but I have no idea in what to write and let alone how to so kinda feels like I’m stuck?

I’m still below in N5, like, I can barely read those graded readers lol. But is there anything that I could practice my grammar on that’ll help me remember?

  1. Try [Cure Dolly]( – I found her grammar series to be eye opening. The doll avatar and sound quality can be off-putting at times, but the content is definitely worth it. They all have word for word accurate English subtitles though, which helps considerably.


    >I want to make my own sentences too but I have no idea in what to write and let alone how to so kinda feels like I’m stuck?

    That’s somewhat more difficult as you will need someone to provide feedback on your efforts. Might be better to concentrate on reading and listening (input) first.

    **Edit** – some other [suggestions and resources]( here.

  2. so generally output (writing or speaking) is gonna be harder than input (reading in Japanese or listening). Though of course it depends on how advanced the input is.

    If you use a textbook like Genki you will get example sentences and even example stories.

    There is also a Genki Workbook (and an online version) which can help you practice using your new grammar and you can get a hang of it that way.

    Otherwise you might want to read the guide again, try using each thing as you learn it, read all the example sentences, and so on.

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