Getting conflicting info on whether I can quit my job without notice? (baito, not fixed term)

I’ve been doing some research online, and some sites tell me I’m required by the labor bureau to give two weeks notice. Others say 30 days. Others still say I can quit without notice if the circumstances are right, like unsafe working conditions or abuse. I believe the way my boss, who is the owner of the company, treats me qualifies for severe verbal abuse. They’re not afraid to do it in front of others as well. I just don’t know the exact criteria for abuse, according to labor laws.

Anyway, I’d like to get out of this toxic environment as soon as possible but I’m scared if I make any missteps, said boss will retaliate any way they legally can.

Anyone with experience please lend me some advice.

  1. I would like to know too.

    Back around 10 years ago, I did some part-time jobs and most of the time I quit without notice lol. I just went to my boss and said I quit and went home, so far nothing happened. Still received the hours I worked for and that’s it. Not sure how it is now.

  2. Just tell them you are injured, not feeling well you can’t report for the shifts you have in the next two weeks and they are not to schedule you any more shifts after that so you are effectively “quitting” on the grounds of health.
    Done. You’ve quit.

    You don’t need to show them shit as evidence and they can’t sue.

    Or just give them two weeks notice and work it..

    Don’t go the power harassment reporting route. That ends in pain..

  3. Notice is not a legal requirement. Its a courtesy to your current employer. IF they deserve that courtesy is up to you.

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