Job Application Response

Hello everyone, I was just wondering typically how long does it take to get a response for a job application?

I’ve waited 4 days and have got nothing yet, so I’m getting kind of worried.

I’ve never applied for a job before so sorry if this question seems stupid.

  1. In Japan, anything from a few days, to 2 weeks is the norm.
    Then 1/4 is 3 weeks, then the last quarter is 1 month, with sprinkles of 2 months here and there.

  2. In my experience, most companies won’t send a response. In that case, the question is, “How long should I wait until I send a follow up?”. Then of course you get the cookie-cutter rejections, the rejections with suggestions to apply for other jobs at the company, and then positive responses.

    Mostly, wait a week till you prepare a follow up if you think you’re a good candidate for the position. Otherwise, apply for other jobs, but most likely if you’re applying through general means, you’re just going to need to go through a list. I recommend making an excel spreadsheet of the companies, times of application, everything you sent them, their responses and follow ups and such.

  3. Yeah mate I know that feeling. I send applications once every few weeks but I’m still waiting for an invitation. Getting so hard I’m left disappointed , I don’t know what to do anymore honestly. I think I need to get a new wife tbh.

  4. Not everyone replies. I usually respond within a week or two when people apply to my company but I know the people before me never responded at all if they weren’t interested.

  5. Also you shouldn’t be thinking about one application. If you need a job, you should be applying to dozens, because the response rate is like one in 20. Don’t get worried about one, get worried if you apply to 50 and no one gets back, cause then there’s something wrong with your industry or resume.

  6. Pro tip. Find the hiring manager or recruiter on LinkedIn and message them instead. Can’t find them? Find anyone in the company in HR and message them. Include your CV, portfolio and 2 sentences on why you are best for the role. Much much more effective than throwing your application onto the pile.

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