Shikibuton Drying/waterproof covers?

Just bought a used king sized shikibuton in the US, and I’ve been loving it the past week. That being said, I don’t have a balcony for drying, just a tiny cement patio. I’m trying to figure out how I should get it aired out with it being so massive. It’s at least 40 lbs, 75″×75″. I cannot find any hangers or drying racks that would support that weight, plus my patio is unguarded and facing the parking lot so anyone could just walk by and steal it during the day 😬

Is a waterproof cover a decent alternative to air drying every week? I’m in the north east, so winters are dry and summers are humid. I’m also folding my futon in half to sleep on, with carpet beneath. Not sure how else I would be able to dry it otherwise 😕

1 comment
  1. Why not buy a futon dryer if you can find one in your area? It’s nice and warm after using.

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