Pocket wifi or SIM card for parents who are visiting Japan?

My parents are coming over and I’m looking for the best option to provide them with internet for the days I’m working.

If I buy an internet only SIM card, will that erase their WhatsApp and line history?

Any recommendations for good SIM cards, where to buy or where to rent a pocket wifi? Thanks.

  1. If you buy an internet-only SIM card, it should not erase your parents’ WhatsApp and Line history. Those apps rely on a user account, which is tied to the phone number and not the SIM card. As long as they keep using the same phone number, they should not lose any of their chat history.

    As for recommendations for good SIM cards or pocket wifi, that will depend on where you live and what service providers are available in your area. You may want to check with your local phone carriers or electronics stores to see what options they have available. Some popular options for travelers include SIM cards from local providers or renting a pocket wifi device, which can provide internet access for multiple devices at once. Just be sure to compare prices and data plans to find the best option for your needs and budget.

  2. How many sim cards are you planning to buy? Are you planning to buy 1 sim for each parent? Or are you thinking 1 sim is enough and will just tether to the other? And do they know how to tether?

    Unless you are going to buy a SIM for each parent, it might be easier to just rent a pocket wifi especially if tethering is not something they usually do or if they are concerned about phone battery. I suggest maybe something with about 10-12hrs pocket wifi battery life so they can go out and about while you’re at work.

  3. eSIM solely on the purposes of not having to carry and charge an additional item.
    Some can be a little bit finicky. for example, when signed in to Wi-Fi and then stepping out and having to use the data, the transition isn’t seamless on some and may require you to restart the phone to get the reception again.

    If your parents are coming from the US, they may be able to get an international plan with their provider. T-Mobile has a $70 a month international plan with unlimited data and text. T-Mobile being of course being contract less

    WiMax is a good pocketWi-Fi if you want to go that route.

    Edit: 1) no, they will not erase messages.
    2) You can reserve a pocket Wi-Fi in advance at airports, but day of is acceptable. 3) eSIMs I’ve used were Airalo, Maya Mobile through apps, and others I’ve forgotten but I had bought them at shops rather than downloads

  4. My parents just used their phones from the US. Their provider had a cheap international plan. I’d have them look at that first.

    Otherwise, pocket wifi is better imo.

  5. Pocket wifi multiple devices can hook up to it. So it would be better for 2 or more people.

  6. If their phone has a physical SIM slot, you can get something like [this prepaid SIM](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07SG23VMN) on Amazon. I’ve bought this exact one for friends numerous times. When shopping, be sure to pay attention to both the number of GB, and how long the SIM is active for before it expires.

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