Itinerary Check (overdue honeymoon) – 11 days [Tokyo/Kyoto/Shima/Hakone]

Hi all,

Long time lurker, first time poster (throwaway account – but may become my travel account); so I promise to make a **trip report** once I am back (especially if I get the anticipated feedback from this sub). So thank you in advance. This is a long one so I would appreciate your assistance. Providing details to get the most out of this, and then I can report back.

Been planning a trip to Japan since November of 2019 (was supposed to go March 2020, but that didnt pan out according to plan). Hoping I could have some feedback on my itinerary. Headed out with my SO next week.

Our trip is coming up soon, and to preface, we are looking to spend more time eating food, shopping (more window shopping than real shopping), enjoying the culture and also, if anyone has advice on any experiences we could add, I am open to that if its not too late. But mostly, I love food so I am basically revolving my trip around eating. Been saving up for this trip for 3 years now, so excitement is an understatement…..**LETS GOOOOOO!**

I listed a bunch of alternative food spots just to also get a feel from this sub on recommendations etc. While we went for some more formal dining options, I am completely open to trying some street food, food markets, coffee shops, dessert spots, etc.

First few questions:

1. E-sim (I have T-Mobile) vs. Pocket Wifi: Any recommendations (one over the other)? And where can I pick up the pocket wifi (before I leave the States or at the airport in Haneda airport)?
2. Weather/Temp: We are coming next week. Weather looks a bit cold. Just curious on any feedback for the current weather.
3. Trains: Will be going to Kyoto from Tokyo. Tips for bullet train? Best times to go? Where to sit to see Mt. Fuji? Any other recs?
4. We are not going to Osaka, but I really wanted to try those fluffy pancakes and cheesecakes. I see happy pancake in Kyoto has something and Bills potentially in Tokyo. But anywhere else?


To start, we are staying in ***Minato City.***

**Tokyo (Feb 20 – 26)**

**Monday**: Early arrival in Haneda (about 6am local time). I assume we cannot check in this early, so we will venture to drop our luggage off somewhere (possibly at the hotel) and then head out for the remainder of the day. We are staying near the Hamarikyu Gardens (closest station looks like Shimbashi Station).

* *Morning*: I am a coffee lover, so first stop will be coffee (hopefully something is open). I was recommended to go to Bongen Coffee or Coffee Mameya. Made an early reservation at Bills for some breakfast.
* *Afternoon*: I really want to try to pick up Shima Steak sandwiches or option to go to Udon Yamacho. Thereafter, head to Jingumae district of Shibuya for vintage shopping. Hang around in this area until later afternoon. Maybe find some good sweets or something. Then head to hotel to check-in, refresh, relax until dinner.
* *Evening*: Dinner in Roppongi. Thereafter, I would love to hit up some different bars, but dont know how the jet lag will hit. Some bars I have heard that are nice are:
* Mixology Experience
* Rokusho (formally Nakame Lounge)
* High Five
* Grey Room

**(NOTE: open to adjustment on the bars after dinner. these are optional, but I would like to go to a few during our stay in Tokyo).**

**Tuesday**: Wake up, find coffee around Ginza and walk around that area. I dont really have much planned for the morning. So pretty open until lunch. I was recommended to check out Cafe de l’ambre, in addtion to Bongen and Coffee Mama.

* *Afternoon*, 1:30pm lunch in Ginza
* *Evening*: Dinner 7:30pm, then try to hit some of the bars mentioned above (High Five, Bar Orchard, Star Bar).

**Wednesday**: Pretty wide open this day until lunch. I heard amazing things about Serinkan Pizza, or the alternative option is to go for Ramen (Afuri Ramen or Nakiryu Ramen).

* **Evening**: 8pm dinner in Ginza. Then if we have energy, try for the above mentioned bars (again, the bars are options for after dinner to have 1 or 2 drinks. All depends on energy, jet lag, distance to travel).


*Afternoon*: lunch in Chuo City (near Ningyōchō Station)

*Evening*: Dinner at Then off to bars or something after dinner.


Toyosu Fish Market at 4am (a friend put me in contact with a chef who will tour us on an experience to view some Tuna Cutting and other experience while at the market). I worry that this could be boring for my SO, and I hear that it can be a lot of standing around for a while. But it came highly recommended from a friend.

* *Morning* (after Fish Market): Mid-morning, head to TeamLab Planets Exhibit (do I need to get tickets super early? any tips?)
* *Afternoon*: Head to Ginza for Shopping (if we didnt get Shima Steak sandwiches day 1, then I would go for lunch this day; but open to some ideas
* *Evening*: Dinner around 5:00pm in Minato City, then off to some bars (again, see day 1 options, and include Land Bar. Would love to find some Karaoke options or something a bit more up beat since we may have more energy this night – e.g. hopefully adjusting to time, etc).


* Morning: No set plans (need advice)
* Afternoon: Lunch around 1:00pm in Roppongi. I guess hang out around this area after lunch.
* Evening: Dinner at 8:45pm in Minato City. Then something fun late night.

**Sunday (head to** ***Kyoto – staying near Nijō Castle)***

* Morning: Wake up, have coffee and/or breakfast (either at our hotel or somewhere nearby)
* Afternoon: Planning to take the bullet train around 12pm to Kyoto (unless anyone recommends differently)
* Evening: Check in to hotel in Kyoto, then off to dinner for an 8pm reservation (cuisine: Sushi)

Tokyo Notes:

\-I would like to get to Shinjuku and some other areas. After writing out this post, I see I’ve boxed myself into certain areas (mainly Ginza). But would love to get feedback, recs, etc. (thats why im here).

\[***Kyoto is where I need some real planning and advice. Ideally we attempt to see the Bamboo forest (Arashiyama),*** **Fushima Inari, Gion area\]**


* *Morning*: Fushima Inari (its about 25 minutes away from where we are staying);
* *Afternoon* *Lunch:* Scheduled for 1pm; then free (may find a temple or area to visit)
* *Evening*: Dinner at 8:00pm (no plans after dinner)


* *Morning:* *Bamboo forest* (Arashiyama)
* *Afternoon*: Find somewhere to eat lunch then free (may find a temple or area to visit)
* *Evening*: Dinner at 6:00pm (no plans after dinner)


**\[this next section is the also where I would appreciate feedback on next destination\]**

Currently schedule to go to Shima from Wednesday until Friday, then back to Haneada Airport Friday evening to head back home. The trip from Shmia to Tokyo is lengthy (looks like 6 hours between connecting trains), and not sure if its worth even going to Shima this time of year (first week of March). This leg of the trip was supposed to be more of an R&R and try something outside the box. However, the other option is to go to HAKONE instead (Wed – Friday) and stay somewhere there (closer to Tokyo). If we end up in Shima, we will basically stay only at the hotel (but I guess that is the same with Hakone)


**TOKYO Restaurants we are looking to try (some are booked, some are not – but potentially available – so I would love feedback)**

\-Inakaya East


\-Tempura Kondo

\–Sukiyabashi Jiro Roppongi

\-Sushi Ya (saw some Recs here, hopefully its great!)

\-Sushi Umi



\-Sushi Sho

\-Sushi Yuu

\-Sushi Aoki

\-Shima Steak (is it worth the hype?\_

\-Wagyumafia Burger (I saw this on []( Anyone hear about this?


**Kyoto Restaurants (some booked, some not – but potentially available – so I would love feedback)**

\-Hafuu Honten

\-Gion Matsudaya

\-Sushi Hayashi (Gion Matsudaya seems to have been getting worse reviews more recently – any thoughts here)





\-Happy Pancake

\-Ji Cube

\-Wabiya Korekido


\-Ranmen Sen-no Kaze

\-Tominokoji Yamagishi

\-Giro Giro Hitoshina

\-Yamamoto Coffee

**Some other notes:**

\-I would like to find street food and coffee shops that are amazing in Kyoto, as well as sweets/pastries and/or bakeries.



EDIT: formatting

\*\*Edit: updated restaurant list

  1. Out of curiosity, was there something in particular you were looking do or eat in Shima?

    Personally, I would add a day or two to Kyoto in your itinerary, in part because you could use it as a base for day-trips to Osaka (for food). It doesn’t take long to travel between the two (the shinkansen is 15 minutes and the local train is 1 hour) and there are a lot of interesting things (and food) in kansai.

    A comment about coffee — we were surprised to find that in Japan (especially Tokyo) many local coffee shops open rather late in the morning compared to the US. Be sure to check the hours before you go!

    A random suggestion, but plum blossoms might be really good in Japan during the time that you’re there.

  2. I’ll do a more indepth comment tomorrow because I’m tired af but I want to just address a couple of things really quick.

    First, pocket wifi is what I prefer because it works for multiple devices (and multiple people). I’ve also found it has more consistent service. Downside is it is another thing to charge. Either way you pick them up from Haneda or wherever you land. There is a really handy travel guide stickied in this subreddit that I advise you read because it seems like you haven’t done too much research (I don’t say that to be rude, so I apologize if it comes off that way. Just a piece of genuine advice is to read the available threads for some of this basic info. Pretty much all of your first 4 questions are things that are incredibly easy to find with basic googling or reading threads).

    Second, you can literally get fluffy cheesecakes at the 7-11s. There are tons of restaurants and street vendors to get the cheesecakes and pancakes from. They’ve everywhere.

  3. Kyoto:

    Fluffy Pancakes:


    [Micasadeco & Cafe Kyoto](

    Kyoto Cafes/Restaurants:

    Cafe attmos,
    Poohs? Cafe,
    Maestro — actually an amazing flower shop but they have a cafe inside spring – autumn.

    I have loads of recommendations. If you have something specific you are looking for or want to try let me know.

  4. If you are interested in going to Nara and seeing deer, Fushimi Inari is on the way on the JR Nara line. Kiyomizu-dera is definitely worth seeing in Kyoto.

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