Got the job!

Thanks for the tips in this sub. Ultimately i didnt use Shrole or Searchassociates, but I found a job posting on google believe it or not!

The jobs senior Science and chemistry in an international school, which is perfect fit for my education specialty, but still super intimidating. The idea of teaching senior chem is terrifying but hopefully it’ll all come back to me.

Moving to Tokyo in March! Not a city guy but I’ve spent the last few years extremely isolated, so I’m looking forward to the buzz.

If anyones moving to Tokyo around the same time and wants to spitball prep/packing, that’d be cool. Or any tips from those who have already been would be greatly appreciated. I typically like to go in with an open and someone blank mind so I tend not to do to much digging but if theres something you think I should definitely look into thatd be nice.

Thanks to the sub for being supportive and encouraging!

  1. Congratulations 👏🏻

    The only advice I’d give is to make sure you’re prepared to navigate the cyclical issue of setting up the following;
    – updating address with city hall
    – phone number
    – bank account

  2. lol 10% of people have downvoted this thread. Who downvotes something like this? Basically a hater IMO.

    Congrats on the job, I hope everything goes well!

  3. you know what I never thought I would have wanted but when I moved i found i needed to buy back home? QUALITY SILVERWARE.

    Don’t ask, just bring it (if you care)

  4. Congratulations! We might randomly and unknowingly meet one of these days at a jobalike or workshop. The IS scene in Kanto is surprisingly small, in my opinion. All the best and considering your enthusiasm, I’m sure you will do fine.

  5. If you are in Japan, fluent in Japanese and English and can do remote work, I have a job offer for you! Feel free to send me a message!

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