I made a book of Japanese short stories for those looking for easier intermediate material. Each chapter comes with a glossary, quiz, and translation. It’s FREE on Kindle for Wed/Thurs. The furigana took forever to format, but any ratings/reviews would help support future projects like this.

First, thanks to the mod team for approving this post. Shout out to u/LordQuorad.

For those in the US, you can download the book for free at:

NOTE: When you are getting free ebooks from Amazon do not use the “Read for Free” button. You should use “Buy Now” while the kindle price is $0.00. “Read for Free” is Kindle Unlimited which requires payment. And finally, Kindle has an app you can read books on, so you don’t actually need a Kindle device, just an Amazon account.

For those outside of the US, you can find the book here:

UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B97PVGWL

DE: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0B97PVGWL

FR: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0B97PVGWL

ES: https://www.amazon.es/dp/B0B97PVGWL

IT: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0B97PVGWL

CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0B97PVGWL

AU: https://www.amazon.au/dp/B0B97PVGWL

NL: https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B0B97PVGWL

JP: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0B97PVGWL

BR: https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B0B97PVGWL

MX: https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B0B97PVGWL

IN: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0B97PVGWL

I hope the stories help those who need it. After all the years of studying, it feels good to actually make stuff that other people can use. A conversation book was planned for release last year, but I think I still need the break after this first one. Doing both the kindle and paperback formatting took it out of me :(.

If you have any questions about the material, please post them. Otherwise, enjoy!

  1. Nice job. We need more projects like this!

    Have you looked into creating your book using HTML to avoid the furigana struggle ?

  2. Thanks, I used the Buy now for free button and it worked.
    It looks good, I will give it a go soon.

  3. Downloaded this for the weekend, had a quick skim just now and it looks perfect for my current level! Thank you so much for making it available for free, it looks like such a lot of work!

  4. Thank you for making this available! These are at a great intermediate level and the furigana are a big help, even if it’s just to confirm that my reading is accurate. Hopefully you can figure out a way to streamline the authoring process more in the future.

  5. I just bought it! I like having the physical version of things and I love having books like this to practice what I know. 🙂

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