looking to reach specific craftsmen

Hello there! I’ve been trying to get in touch with people or company that does a specific craft.
But my written Japanese is really poor.
For a bit of context im currently a cooper (yeah like a cop in irish bit except hitting things and alcool not much in common)
And im seeking someone who know how to make soy sauce barrel.

I’ve been in touch with a cooperage in Japan but they work for whiskies and sōchū..
I’ve tried asking soy sauce factory too, but no luck.

Im open to any tips or idea for reaching out 🙂

But seems like learning to read Japanese will be necessary (and when i google translate some site i doesnt make sense sometimes, yea my english is broken too sorry)


  1. Japan has a whole set of “trading companies” who handle connecting the japanese economy to the outside world. They hire a lot of people with language skills so that japanese companies don’t need to have on-staff language abilities.

    You might try asking one of the trading companies if they could negotiate with the barrel makers to export them on your behalf.

  2. There’s a bunch of documentaries on the shoyu makers on Shodoshima in Kagawa. That might be a good starting point for possible contacts

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