Are there any family recreational groups in Tokyo?

Tried looking in FB groups and Meetup, but they’re mostly party/dating/language exchange groups.

I have a young boy and infant. I have no foreigner friends so spoken language is 100% Japanese. Just started thinking I’m doing my kids a disservice. Any groups out there in Tokyo for families that hang out, do BBQs, pool day, park day, etc?

  1. You could always talk to your kids in English yourself, u/Hawaiian_Cunt_Seal

    But if you want to find some other foreigners, best bet is to take them to a large-ish park and nanpa the other foreign parents or Japanese spouses of hafu kids.

  2. Best way is probably to talk to people at the park, Jidōkan etc.

    I’ve meet some now good friends that way, and every time we’re doing some family event at the park we end up meeting new foreigners or even some time some Japanese speaking English.

  3. Your best bet is probably the Tokyo Mothers FB group (the name is something like that, and I believe it’s open to all parents), and set up play dates. I live in a nearby city and the local mom FB group always has people looking to set up play dates. There’s even a regular play group— but it meets during the week.

  4. They seem to develop pretty organically – over the years we’ve been growing our local LINE group of international/English-speaking families. We met at local parks mostly and added cool people as we met them.

    Also echoing the suggestion for Tokyo Mothers Group on FB as it’s open to all caregivers.

    Good luck!! Hope you find a nice group of folks near you 🙂

  5. Have a 6 month old too and looking for other similar aged families to hang out with and just generally socialize.

  6. My wife speaks to them on one language and I speak to them in another. Does it ‘feel weird’? Who cares.

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