U.S. ambassador hopes for “clear, unambiguous” LGBT legislation in Japan

U.S. ambassador hopes for “clear, unambiguous” LGBT legislation in Japan


  1. Shouldn’t he go back to Chicago and fix the gun problems and murder rate first before enforcing his agenda here?

  2. Go home Raum.

    Food prices and fuel prices are going through the roof.

    We actually have IMPORTANT things to worry about over here.

  3. As much as I hope Japan does this.
    Fucking America. Just get your own book burning , school shooting , bankrupting healthcare system in order !
    Stop fucking with all other countries.

  4. Don’t lose your unique culture Japan.

    America is great at many things but. They are excessively great at pushing TOO MUCH freedom. I’m not sure if they are right or wrong in doing so.

  5. Real talk: Japan has a genuine interest in preventing people from being gay because they need people to have kids

  6. How about banning all discrimination?
    It’s still legal to discriminate against foreigners and anyone else in Japan.

  7. The LDP isn’t neoliberal. It’s supported by elderly people in local communities and various religious (almost cult) groups. In this regard, it’s similar to the US Republican. The supporters have a strong condemnation of LGBTQ even more than 60% answers approval to the same sex marriage in a questionnaire. The leading party is afraid of losing their support.

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