How would you express an obsession or preoccupation with something?

Not as in a hobby. Moreso being unable to focus because something is troubling you and occupying your thoughts.

  1. Try these:

    テストの結果が心配だ -> I’m worried about this test’s results.

    Xにとらわれる -> I’m taken over by X/I’m preoccupied by X. e.g. 心配事にとらわれる (Be taken over by one’s worries(i.e. the things that trouble one)).

    Xで頭が一杯 -> I’m preoccupied with X (i.e. it’s the only thing on my mind right now). e.g. 研究結果で頭が一杯 (I can think of nothing but the results of this research). note: I’m not sure whether I should add のこと there after 結果.

    Disclaimer: I’m not 100% confident on whether the above are actually natural, so you might want to wait for someone more knowledgeable or a native to weigh in.

    Edit: it would also be a good idea to give rough approximation of what you want to say or at least provide context so you can get a tailored answer.

  2. It could perhaps be こだわり or 拘り – a certain fixation and fastidiousness, almost like you are fussy, but it sometimes can have the positive attribute that you are dedicated to ensuring (that) something occurs according to certain standards

  3. Or you could try looking up 強迫観念 or きょうはくかんねん which might have the better more suitable (to you) nuance to it – meaning obsession or unreasonable but compulsive idea

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