Do real estate agents specialize between buying and renting?

Hi! I’m considering buying a home, but I’m not sure who to use for a real estate agent.

I could use the one I worked with previously, who I liked but isn’t specialized to the location I’m buying in. Or I have one a friend recommended who I haven’t met but is from that area. However, both of us worked with those agents for rentals, not purchases.

Should I look for a new agent who specializes in buying? Or should I just go with one of the other agents who I already have more reason to trust?

  1. Why not use Suumo to search for listings that interest you and just get in touch with the selling agent through there?

  2. Do some specialize? Yes.

    Do all? No.

    As others have said, some feel more comfortable when working with an agent who does not represent both the Buyer and Seller.

    While fair that some may see a conflict of interest here, ultimately I don’t see it – an agent’s role in the sales process, once a home has been found, is to mediate and find pricing that all parties agree with. The agent is incentivized to keep both sides happy, lest they lose a sale.

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