Why Japan has so many ‘never travelers’

Why Japan has so many ‘never travelers’


  1. I would point out that Japan has always been low because we cannot travel out of the country by land.

  2. I want to know the data set, how many people in this survey? How about the weak yen as a factor? And expensive flights? I’m a foreigner who’s traveled fairly extensively all my life (60+ countries) but obviously not during the pandemic. I have a strong desire to travel now, a valid passport and the ability to work remotely, as I wish. But…flights are extremely expensive and the yen is weak (& wife and kids ¥¥¥). Fast forward a year from now, yen is strong, flights are reasonable , Ukraine war is over. A lot of these people may be packing their suitcases for foreign shores. Hard to predict but cost is usually a big factor.

  3. Is this something specific to Japan? I don’t know a single person in the US that travels alot, other than one person that travels for work.

  4. Because it’s crazy expensive to fly during golden week/obon and all the other times it’s not acceptable to take a longer vacation.

    Who wants to spent 2k if they only have 5 days and then be on the plane and in transit for half of it.

  5. I bet some of it has to do with Paris Syndrome. A lot of places around the globe are far worse than most Japanese people expect because of expectations created by media (movies, shows, news). Experience a place bad enough, you’ll never want to leave home again.

    I used to watch Japanese tourists come off the cruiseships in Vancouver (I worked in Gastown) and they would be warned by staff not to venture towards East Hastings, a lot of them didnt believe the warnings …..because Canada is portrayed as this amazing place. Then they had the unpleasant experience of seeing drug use, rampant homelessness, and overdoses. On several occasions my boss and I had to escort a group of young Japanese girls back to the Cruiseships as they sobbed.

  6. I actually feel like many Americans share similar sentiments. I knew people in highschool that had never left their home state. And not to get political but I’m sure many of the MAGA crowd wouldn’t be caught dead being exposed to foreign cultures…

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