Questions about selling artwork in Japan and visa restrictions

I have two questions about selling artwork in japan and would be grateful for any help.

Last year I graduated from art school in Japan and earned maybe 400,000 yen selling artwork at my graduation show. At that time I didn’t have any working permission, just a regular international student visa. **I need to report all my income, and it’s not exactly a dizzying sum of money but could that cause problems for me with my taxes etc?**

Since then I got a job as an English teacher on the humanities visa. I’d like to continue making artwork and, if I’m lucky, selling it in Japan. **Is this permissible on my visa, or will any significant income through artwork be deemed against the terms of my visa and cause problems for me?**

Additionally, I’d be grateful if you have any recommendations for consultants on this matter.

Apologies for any stupid questions, it’s been tricky finding anything specific to my situation. Thanks for reading!

  1. Check /r/japanfinance I believe if you made less than. 600,000 you don’t have to declare it it’s considered a hobby but ianal or accountant either.

  2. IANAL, but visa restrictions relate to *employment*. Regardless of visa or lack thereof, you can sell things that you legally own.

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