Bank of Japan keeps easing policies in place, reaffirming position as global outlier

Bank of Japan keeps easing policies in place, reaffirming position as global outlier

  1. The zero-interest-rate policy is the only thing holding the Japanese economy up at the moment.

    They’re stuck in a catch-22: Raise rates and wreck the economy, or maintain zero-rates and deal with the weak yen.

    It’s going to be up to the government’s economic policies, not the Bank of Japan, to fix the Japanese economy. Although I don’t have faith in Kishida’s “new capitalism” either, especially if it just means [more privatization]( Kishida seems to be more fiscally conservative than Abe, so he might raise taxes and focus on austerity when what we really need is an expansionary fiscal policy (and the [abolition of the consumption tax](!)

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