Got a new TV, how to get all the local channels(NHK national news chanel)?

I got a new TV, I got a B-CAS card and inserted it, and I connected my TV to the outlet in my apartment. I now get some local channels when clicking the BS/CS button on my remote. However, I don’t get the local/national NHK news channel(and a few other interesting channels) which all my local japanese friends, and lots of other people seem to be getting. I only get NHK BS1 which seems to have completely different programmes. Am I missing something or this is all that I would be getting?

  1. You might have to do a channel/signal scan. That should have been an option when you first turned on the tv, but it can be accessed through settings so it’s not a big deal!

  2. every tv here has separate inputs for terrestrial and satellite signal. you’ve probably connected the cable to the bscs labeled plug. this gives you the satellite channels. there should be another F-connector labeled 地上デジタル where if you move the cable to, and do a channel scan, you’ll now have local tv. to get both, you need a splitter like this:

    you connect one end to the wall and the two split ends go to the bs and terrestrial plugs.

  3. You should be pressing 地デジ or similar for local/terrestrial via a regular antenna. BS offers some extra channels via satellite. CS is subscription only bar the shopping channels.

  4. Make sure your antenna cables are connected correctly and then run the channel setup in the settings menu of your TV. Most TVs have you enter your postal code and then they scan for the channels in your area.

  5. If you see NHKBS1, then you are on the BS setting. You need to push the button for terrestrial tv. Usually it’s to the left of the BS button. On the right of the BS button you should see CS. Here you can subscribe to cable channels

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