Why do people generally recommend against working part-time at a convenience store in Japan?

I’m new in Japan and I’m looking for places to work part-time.
I’ve been adviced against working part-time at convenience store though it seems its easier to work at conbini rather than anywhere else..say restaurant.
Why is that?

  1. Unless you’re 17 and it’s your first job ever, no one would recommend working in a convenience store in any country. It’s hard and thankless work. If you’re an adult and have some vague skills you could get a much easier temp job like data entry or something.

  2. I’m guessing it would vary widely on the location and owner/manager. A super busy location in like shibuya dealing with a bunch of drunk tourists or something and like 500 people buying their morning coffee and bento would be more work than some location that doesn’t see much traffic

  3. As a personal preference, if I were to have to work for very low pay, I’d rather have a job that’s far less complicated. Have you seen all of the tasks they do?

  4. Not sure why anyone would advise against conbini work. Back in the States, it was one of my first part-time jobs in high school. Dead easy work, fixed hours, limited room to completely screw things up.

    Infinitely better than restaurant work.

  5. My Japanese girl friends advised me to not work at a conbini because of the men that come in. One of them worked at one during Uni and she kept receiving unsolicited love letters from this customer that kept coming in everyday. But that aside, there can also be long lines, impatient customers, managers who may or may not be accommodating, etc. I wouldn’t mind trying it myself just for fun and to use more Japanese at work, but it’s definitely not something one usually does as a long term plan.

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