A Fried Chicken Vending Machine in Otaru, Hokkaido

A Fried Chicken Vending Machine in Otaru, Hokkaido

  1. Interesting concept. Are they actually fried in the machine, or do they have some sort of re-heating process?

  2. I’ve always told myself I want to take two trips to Japan in my life. Once in the summer to places like Tokyo/Osaka and once in winter to visit Hokkaido.

  3. I just recently got some corn chowder and had a nostalgia flashback to standing on a snowy train platform gripping a skinny hot-to-touch 100¥ can of corn soup, trying to balance drinking it to warm my insides or holding it to warm my hands. Sometimes I switched it up and got heated zenzai. I would have gotten very large if there was a fried chicken vending machine there too.

    Heated vending machines are aMAZing, and they should be standard everywhere.

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