Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 01, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. Hi. Could someone please explain to me this verb form “帰ろうぜい”?

    I came across this phrase while watching a Japanese drama. In the scene, some students are finishing school and about to go home and one of them says to her friends “何してんの? 帰ろうぜい”. I get she is talking about them going home, but I don’t know the use of the verb form in the phrase.

  2. I found something reading the Dragon Quest script that I assume is some kind of fourth-wall breaking joke, but I don’t get it

    > 「ねえ 私の ぽーとぴあと あなたの ドラゴンくえすとを かえっこしてよ。
    > 「今夜のおかずは何にしようかしら……

    The second part just seems like “What dish shall I have tonight”

    The first part seems to say something like “Sister, after my POOT with your DRAGONquest, (???)

    yeah it just seems like a jumbled mess to me. It probably doesn’t matter in terms of understanding the script but, wonder if anyone wants to take a crack at it.

  3. Since “あなたは…” is rather rude then to what extent does that also apply to “あなたの”. Ex. これはあなたの椅子です.

  4. 時が止まったかの様に置かれている 埃の被った家具たち

    Could I please have some explanation of 止まったかの I am not quite sure of the か an の’s function in this sentence how does it differ from simply saying 時が止まった様に置かれている

  5. I saw this in the [dragon quest script](https://nayukaaaaa.nomaki.jp/wp/dq4/dq1.html) and was wondering about it:

    > 木の所に進めば、何度でも連戦可

    I haven’t seen 可 as a suffix.

    My guess is this says something like, “If you advance to where the tree is, as many times as you want there is a battle” or something.

    I’m having trouble finding a good source on how 可 works so if someone can either link me or explain it, that would be very nice 🙂

  6. 1) I know that 考えすぎる人 is grammatically correctly for “a person that overthinks” but it sounds off to me for some reason. Would 考えすぎの人 be a better way to phrase it?

    2) I’ve seen い adjectives like 大きい/小さい modify nouns using な so I was wondering if these are on a word by word basis/specific to certain words or if there’s a more general rule in which this is applicable?

  7. > 「ソフィアさんはこの後誰かと周る予定ある?」

    > 「なら一緒に周ろうよ」


    It seems like 周る must be a verb, but a Jisho search can’t find it, so I’m confused. Anyone know what is going on here?

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