All Star Junior Festival 2023

All Star Junior Festival 2023

  1. Lot of tag matches but I hope this is the start of a yearly thing and they get more singles matches next year as they probably testing the waters out with this one.

  2. Wato better watch himself with Aoyagi, guy is a damn stud and may be giving ol Master an ass whoopin.

    Also think Shun Skywalker may bully poor Ninja Mack yet again after the six man they had at Muto’s retirement.

    Ngl, wish Great Sasuke and Jun Kasai were in a tag together, would love to see the crazy basards together.

  3. I’m beyond excited for this show. It’s going to be awesome to see some of the older faces. I wonder if they’ll get Liger to do commentary

    And if you haven’t see him yet, Ninja Mack is f’n awesome

  4. I just picture Hiromu snickering as he books matches based on names… Hayata, Yamato, Tomato, Potato.. This card is on some other shit 4r tho. Looking forward to the 5 way, Yo-Hey has been dope AF lately.

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