which works better? VoiceTra, or Microsoft Translate?

I recently heard that some people who live in Japan, that are learning or dont speak Japanese and some Japanese use the app called “VoiceTra”, which is good for a japanese but I hear that Microsoft is better for longer amounts of communication.

For anyone who wants to speak to a Japanese person whether in Japan or elsewhere which can be better to use?

  1. I have 3 translation apps installed on my phone, and here’s how I rank them in terms of accuracy: DeepL, Apple translate and Google translate.

    Update: and here’s how I’m using them:

    Text messaging / email: DeepL

    Translate text in photos: Google translate

    Real-time conversation: Apple translate (have not yet try it in real world situation though, feel comfortable to know it’s in my pocket, lol)

  2. I have studied Japanese for the last 6 years, and currently DeepL is my go-to choice!

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