What’s the difference in these 2 anmitsu cans? and what do the instructions say?

What’s the difference in these 2 anmitsu cans? and what do the instructions say?

  1. The one above (the image is upside down though) is 苺みつ(ichigo-mitsu = strawberry mitsu) made with Japanese strawberries, and the bottom one is 黒みつ(kuro-mitsu = brown sugar mitsu) made with brown sugar from Okinawa.

    And the instructions say
    ① Raise the pull-top at the top of the can and discard the 薄蜜 (usu-mitsu = May be extra liquid? Sorry I’m not sure about this part).
    ② Open the lid all the way, transfer the contents to another dish, and eat with 苺みつ if you want.

  2. ‘Raise the pull top ontop of the can and discard the thin honey’

    ‘Open the lid all the way and put the contents in another container, and if you like, sprinkle with strawberry honey and enjoy’

    Least that’s what google translate told me when I put the second image in

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