How to do taxes from overseas


I worked at a conbini for a month and a half last year, but I’m back home from Feb- April for school holidays, and I read I need to do my taxes by mid-March but I can’t figure out how to do it from overseas. It’s my first time doing Japanese taxes would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?

  1. If you earn less than 1.03mil JPY in a year (I think working in a konbini for 1.5 months shouldn’t go over that) you don’t have to report anything. The word is 確定申告 if you want to google it up for more information.

  2. You probably need to do tax return ( 確定申告) because your ex-employer will not do a end-of-year tax adjustment for you (年末調整). The paper you probably (should have) received is a certificate of withholding (源泉徴収票) which is needed for the tax return.

    If you earned too little, its still worth because you will likely get a refund of your withholded tax; and also sets the total income that will come into play for all kind of taxes this year 2023 (almost everything is determined by the income of the previous year)


    *that you still need to pay NHI and Pension even when unemployed. Expect surprises in the mail if you missed it.

    *if 2022 was your first year in japan, from June 2023 you will get bills for resident tax. It gets calculated every June based on previous year income. This is a big tax burden that hits on your 2nd year.

    *you still must pay social security and taxes even when unemployed, and even if didnt register to it. if you have money issues you need to submit exemption requests separately.


    As for the question:

    *You can do taxes online but you need your MyNumber Card and enabled e-Tax login/certificate.

    *You can do tax return by mail, so you only need someone in japan who can print it and mail it for you: From the tax office website, fill online and print in PDF your 確定申告 papers. Then scan your mynumber (plastic) card both-sides and send it to a friend in Japan so s/he can print it and mail it for you using your address at return. (If you dont have the mynumber card, scan your green notification card and your passport or zairyu card)

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