Where is warmest to teach?

I am interviewing with Jet next week. Initially, I put in my application no preference for where I wanted to teach. After currently living out a REAL winter, I’d prefer to teach in the warmest city LOL. Any tips on letting them know I do have a specific city in mind now. Any recommendations on where?

  1. The preferences dont matter.

    Obviously the closer to the equator the more mild the winters will be.

  2. Careful what you wish for. I thought all I wanted was warmth until I experienced summer in Gunma (northern Kanto). I can’t express in words how much I wanted to just die all day teaching in hot sweaty mess of a classroom. I couldn’t even catch my breath and I am a skinny mofo. Remember Japan doesn’t AC like the rest of the world. Everything here is balls hot for 3-4 months.

  3. Highly recommend Shizuoka Prefecture. Although it’s not the warmest place in the winter, it will get hot in the summer (though more bearable than most prefectures). You will get no snow in this prefecture essentially. Winter will get from about 0 degrees to about -5 degrees celsius at it’s coldest (well in my city anyway). It’ll feel colder with wind, but it’s not bad. But take what I said with a grain of salt. I just mainly like the fact that I can see Mt.Fuji every day.

  4. Also I put Oita down because I thought Kyushu would be hot and coming from Canada I loved that it said winter didn’t go below 0. I guess everyone was shocked I wanted Oita and I got my third choice. But without central heating I was way colder in Oita than I ever was in Canada. 😅

  5. Most people are recommending Kyushu, which is the warmest region of Japan but be warned it gets shockingly cold here. I live on a Nagasaki island and although it barely gets below freezing here most building have absolutely terrible heating systems and no insulation. I can see my breath in my house and go to the public bath just to warm up most days. I am lucky however in that my office is heated. Most schools have no heating and leave the windows open. Last year some teachers in this location got chilblains. So be warned lol

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