Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (July 05, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Good day, everyone. Here are my questions.

    Can I use みんな and/or 全部 with animals? Or is there a specific word that is used when emphasizing all/every of a certain animal? All of the example sentences of みんな I have read have people/humans as the subjects, while all of the example sentences of 全部 I have read have inanimate objects as the direct object. I don’t know what to use with animals.

    Like, how do you say these sentences in Japanese?

    a. The giraffe is fighting all of the hyenas.

    b. The cats all approached me.

    c. I am going to kill all of the cockroaches here.

    d. I gave every dog a toy to play with.

    e. I caught every fish in the game.

    f. Every rhino was killed by the poachers.

  2. I feel like I should have more reviews than I currently have because I’ve been doing 20 new cards a day for a while now but it’s only 50 reviews, my last deck (that was premade) used the same amount of new cards a day but after a while it got up to about 160 reviews. Anyone know what the reason might this?

  3. Is there any difference in politeness between verb + ことができる and verb in potential form? (e.g. 書くことはできる and 書ける)

  4. Excerpt from the novel コンビニ人間:

    「えー、久しぶり、古倉さん! イメージ全然違うー!」

    The english translation is: “Wow, Furukura, you look totally different!” Miho had told me cheerfully at that reunion, then went on to comment excitedly how we both had the same bag in different colors. “We should really go shopping together sometime.” And so we exchanged phone numbers…”

    I more-or-less understand the meaning of this passage, I’m just a bit confused on how the various clauses relate to each other, especially the bolded **と**’s from above. Are the と’s being used to list 2 long items (i.e “[…]ミホ” and “[…]買い物に行こう”)? If that is the case, I’m not sure how this sentence grammatically makes sense…

    Thanks for any help!

  5. **What is the difference between が and は?**

    For example 「これが鳥です」and 「これは鳥です」both translate as “This is a bird” but use different prepositions. How so?

  6. The -tara conditional (if used as “when”) can’t connect two past events when the second event is deliberately done by the main actor

    My question is what would be used for to connect them? I’m guessing it’s the te form?

  7. I’m early N4 level and currently looking for easy podcasts/listening materials to listen to. Any recommendation? So far I’ve only used Yuru Camp and other simple animes to improve my listening skills. Thanks!

  8. How to say “to wing it” in Japanese?

    > 状況を見て決める

    Seems close ish?

  9. I have two related questions.

    1. Does “What is the person wearing?” translate to あの人は何を着ていますか even though the answer might use any “wearing” verbs besides 着る? (For example, 黒いズボンを履いている、そして、サングラスをかけている。)
    2. In English, we might say “He wears a suit, and he also wears a necktie” but in Japanese we know that スーツ and ネクタイ have different “wearing” verbs. So, can we use も in this case ?

  10. I want to tell someone that I’ve been sick with the C last week.


  11. “に違いない”…という機能語についての質疑です。


    なぜ “に違わない”じゃなく、”に違いない”ですか。




  12. Simple question, I finally decided to pick up Genki after a while of trying to go without it, and it has definitely helped, I just wanted to know if my practice regimen seemed good. I’m going a lesson one day, then two days of practice on that lesson plus additional vocab from a 2k deck. Is that good, fast, slow? I know this is subjective on personal ability, I just want to know as a standard

  13. What meaning of わけ is being used here?


  14. What is the difference between 用 and 雇?
    Also, what does 定 mean?

  15. 僕あの時はガチガチで余裕がなくて

    I was so nervous there was a chance for me to (come and talk to you)

    Is する being omitted from ガチガチ

    my first instinct would be to write it ”僕あの時はガチガチして余裕がなくて”

  16. Any advice as to how to manage and gradually learn the various meanings a number of Japanese verbs have? I’m referring to the verbs that have between 5 and even 10 meanings (according to [jisho.org](https://jisho.org) at least, I haven’t surfed goodictionary enough for example to be able to know how it is in there)

  17. For more than a year I’ve been using a Genki I vocab deck that I made using http://www.ankigen.com/. I’ve finished the deck a while ago and I only get like 30 reviews a day now.
    My deck doesn’t have any Kanji in it. Now that I’m learning more Kanji and moving to new study materials I would like to expand my vocab knowledge. So I want to expand my Anki deck, and also add Kanji to the words I already know.
    I was thinking of downloading a new Anki deck (like core2k or something) to get a lot of new vocab words and merging it with my existing deck. But I don’t think I can do that because the fields won’t match perfectly, and I would have a lot of duplicates. And also I don’t think there’s any way to automatically add Kanji to my existing cards?
    Should I just start a totally new deck?

  18. Does any one know where I can find pre-made Anime Vocab decks that are voiced by the characters? I have only been able to either find sentence decks or vocab decks using the standard voice so far.

  19. How is 御機嫌よう perceived in conversation? Do Japanese people use this word commonly at all?

  20. I’m preparing for JLPT N4. What are some books that I should refer to to help me learn the grammar and kanji required for the N4 level? Primarily I’m looking for a book that can explain the concept to me, but if there’s a book that you’d recommend for question practice and stuff, I’d appreciate that too!

  21. Hi all

    How would I say and write:

    “I’m a coachbuilder by trade” (coachbuilder meaning motorhome/campervan キャンピングカー builder)

    I’m not sure if coachbuilder would be a term used in japan.


  22. Do I want printed or electronic transcripts for Japanese language school?

  23. NSFW question

    Let’s say I want to comment on a game’s boob’s physics or the boob physics / ass physics / thigh physics of an NSFW artist/animator. How should I say it in Japanese?

    胸の物理?胸物理? 胸の動き? 胸の揺れている動き?All of the above? A select few from the options above? And in this case, how should I say ass? ケツ or 尻?

  24. Does any JLPT grade in stroke order or even neatness? Provided that it looks like the kanji in question.

  25. Can someone help me break the following sentences down? I am finding it extremely difficult to parse despite the vocabulary being very simple

    毎日会ってたけど勉強に手がつかなくなりそうだし自立したいしちょっと会ったら嬉しすぎて眠れなくなりますので、やめました。 てか本当は人間不信だった。いつの間にか人間信用できとる。嬉しい。

    Is this person speaking in dialect?

    1. What does や in 最近彼氏ができたんやけど mean?

    2. I can’t even begin to break down the なっとるっちゃけIn 普通に遊んだりしよってなっとるっちゃけ

    3. Why is the speaker switching back and forth between polite form to casual form? It starts casual but towards the end, she switches to masu form “たいしちょっと会ったら嬉しすぎて眠れなくなりますので、やめました” before going back to causal てか本当は人間不信だった。いつの間にか人間信用できとる。嬉しい。

    Is this just a badly written text?

  26. So after a criminal took money by force from someone that claim that he doesn’t have money. he hit him and told him he should not lie. After that he said


    And I do not quite understand the grammar here. Like he probably means that will be a tuition fee (for lying?). But what としていただくぜ doing here? Like I would translate it as (I) will receive it as a tuition fee, but it feels kind off 🙂


  27. What’s the closest word or particle to the word fuck when used for emphasis? Like this food is so fucking good, that’s so fucking bad, etc.

  28. In the anime Komi Can’t Communicate Ep 10, Komi writes something embarrassing/awkwardly endearing to another character (Onemine). Onemine bursts out laughing and says, “ごめん、なんかツボに入っちゃって…

    The official English subtitles say, “Sorry that just tickled me”. I’m having trouble understanding this idiomatic expression. According to Jisho, “ツボに入る” is an idiom that means to be mad about, or to be “hooked on”. How does that apply to this situation? Is Onemine “hooked” on Komi because of Komi’s cute comment?

  29. I saw someone say:


    but I was wondering if we can say:


  30. Really basic question, but I’m learning particles and saw the question 「私はコーラ( )飲みません」

    The quiz had the missing particle as を
    1. I thought を wouldn’t be used in this sentence as it isn’t a direct action/is a negative statement
    2. Would the sentence be 「私はコーラは飲みません」? Having 2 は in the sentence seems wrong, is this correct and is 2 は okay for sentences not contrasting clauses?

    Edit: I wrote 飲みます originally by accident

  31. My 9 year old daughter has taken to Japanese as a language interest, through the medium of anime. I have no background in the language to help cultivate it in her. My question is, would LingoDeer alone be a good jumping off point for a child to casually dip their toes in before completely diving into it? I want to support her in this venture, while pacing it properly so as not to push her away.

  32. I’m working on learning the radical for person, like 一人 (and the bunches of others that I suddenly can’t find for examples).

    Is there a rule that will help with getting the にん vs. じん correct?

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