Working Visa by IT company

Recently I saw some job available sites that provides visa for Japan in IT sector. Now, as much as I’m familiar with, to get work visa, you need to have university degree, which isn’t stated in these kind of jobs. Is there still some a way to get working visa there without uni degree, or it is stated as common knowledge that you need to have it to get visa so that’s why they didn’t state it?

  1. You need to have education or experience to convince immigration that you’re qualified.

    For an IT position, you’d need the equivalent to a vocational school education. Not a university degree. I completed a three year college diploma program in Computer Science in Canada and received an Engineer visa to work a helpdesk position.

  2. >or it is stated as common knowledge that you need to have it to get visa so that’s why they didn’t state it?

    That’s pretty much it. They assume that applicants have a basic knowledge of visa requirements, and/or they plan on going over those requirements in the screening interview.

  3. The degree requirement is for immigration not the company. You must have a degree for a working visa or be able to prove 10 years of extremely specialized skill in a profession that only a few people in the world can do.

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