Working on my sushi game. Spicy tuna maki for lunch. Extra ginger.

Working on my sushi game. Spicy tuna maki for lunch. Extra ginger.

  1. Not over-riced, and cut cleanly to consistent size. Better than at least one restaurant around me. Nicely done.

  2. Looks delicious! Though I would need probably five times that tiny blob of wasabi! (I REALLY love wasabi 😂)

  3. Absolute love the pickled ginger. I know you’re not supposed to eat it with the sushi, but I do and LOVE it.

  4. What tuna did you use? The sushi I have made at home has only been crab because I’m not quite sure what fish to use for other rolls. I know “sushi grade” but how can I be sure?

  5. Never enough ginger.
    Looks great! I like the kitty, reminds me of a tea pet (is it?)

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