May be moving soon, worried about war tensions, advice wanted

Hi all, not sure what I’m looking for here. Maybe reassurance, advice, etc.

Looking to move at the end of the year from the US to Japan and starting to get a lot worried about the climate in the region (China, Taiwan, N + S Korea).

Is anyone privy to any information or personal opinion that would be reassuring? I would like to live there for 3-4 years, but unsure if moving is a good idea as tension escalate. Sorry I’m not really sure what to ask, just nervous.

ETA: please be nice lol, I have PTSD – so I know there’s no one size fits all answer to the mostly irrational question I’m asking – but the local or travelers opinion helps calm the mind. 😌

  1. Don’t worry about the NORKs, they pop one off when the fridge is getting empty. The Fat Successor is jealous of all the attention Putin’s getting.

    Taiwan’s interesting, but it’s not clear how such a colossal invasion would be logistically feasible without it devolving into the most epic shark dinner ever. Nukes are off the table, unless the CCP don’t mind the repercussions from using neutron bombs; but that might be bad for business. It’ll come down to whether or not the CCP wants the territory (gone).

  2. Everywhere in the world is dangerous. If you live in Europe, it’s what is Russia going to do. Live in the US and it’s what is that Trumpster guy down the street going to do? Live in Southeast Asia, when is the government going to be overthrown?

    China is looking at what Russia is doing in Ukraine and is a) looking for ways to profit from it and gain influence b) reconsidering active engagement with Taiwan because of the economic impact.

    North Korea is sad because Russia is taking up all the news spots so they are throwing a few more rockets into the air.

    Neither of them really want to mess with Japan since that would pull the US into whatever conflict is going on and makes for an easy victory.

    I would look at daily life more since you as an individual cannot influence these large geopolitical events. Will you be at least as safe, if not safer in Japan than in your home country. The answer to that is likely yes.

  3. Meh. North Korea isn’t going to ruin their gravy train by doing something that can’t be ignored. China might make some noise and do some posturing regarding Taiwan, but no one is going to allow that to escalate to the sort of exchange that threatens urban centers in Japan (or mainland China, or the US).

    If you’re getting upset watching the news just remember that media in general is alarmist because that’s what drives views. News wants to scare you so that you keep watching the news. Its like longform clickbait.

  4. Even if China decide to attack Taiwan, there won’t going to be a war between them and NATO.

    You’ll be safe for at least 20-30 years down the line.

  5. I mean.. have you read about the earthquakes, radiation, typhoons, tsunamis, Groping Salarymen, Assassins with home made guns, North Korean ballistic missiles being lobbed over Honshu, North Korean pachinko parlors in Yokohama, Chinese tourist rude mannerisms… lots of things hitting closer to home… Probably best to wait it out.

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