N4 study

Hi, I’m doing self-study and I’m structuring my own study plan for the next 5 months. I know there are a lot of PDFs, flash cards for free online. I have no issues with memorisation.

I have a hard time knowing the right way to read a kanji character used in a word. I have a hard time with grammar, and forming the right tenses and conjugations 🙁 What can I do? use?

  1. Flaming Durtles > Self Study > N4 > Options You want > Go! Get a wanikani api key first

  2. >I have a hard time knowing the right way to read a kanji character used
    in a word.

    * There are some general guidelines, but you can never be sure how a kanji will be pronounced in a word until you learn the word. **So just learn words**. After a while you’ll spot patterns and be able to make a reasonable guess at the pronunciation of new words.


    >I have a hard time with grammar, and forming the right tenses
    and conjugations

    * I suggest going through the [Cure Dolly organic Japanese course](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg9uYxuZf8x_A-vcqqyOFZu06WlhnypWj) (first 20 videos at least). Her voice and avatar put some people off, but the content is priceless. Turn on the excellent subtitles if you have difficulty with her voice. As an example, see her [video on the mechanics of verb conjugation](https://youtu.be/FhyrskGBKHE)- I’ve yet to see a clearer and more logical explanation anywhere else.

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