What’s the difference between ませんか and ましょう?

My understanding is that ませんか is used to invite someone to something and that ましょう is used to say “let’s do something.”

Those seem kinda interchangeable. Is there is a big difference in the contexts in which you’d use them?

  1. I’m like JLPT N4ish but when I see ませんか, I translate it like “Wouldn’t you like to eat? ましょう is Let’s go eat.

  2. ませんか you are extending an offer (wouldn’t you like to do X)

    ましょう let’s do this thing (let’s do X)

  3. ませんか is a bit more polite because I don’t know what your plans are. It’s an invitation to do something.

    ましょう(か) is good for giving and solicitation suggestions about a particular course of action.

    A: ねえ、映画が好きですか。Hey, you you like movies?

    B: うん!大好きです。Yeah! I love them.

    A: じゃあ、金曜日に映画を見ませんか。We’ll, why don’t we see a movie on Friday?

    B: いいですね。何を見ましょうか。Sure. What shall we see?

    A: バットマンの映画を見ましょう。Let’s see Batman.

    B: いいですね。楽しみしています。Sure. I’m looking forward to it.

  4. 食べませんか = Would(n’t) you like to eat?

    食べましょう = Let’s eat.

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