Paying income tax online

Thanks to this sub I managed to submit my self-assessment income tax through the e-tax portal a little over a week ago.

The assessment resulted in me owing the tax man some of my hard earned yen. But how do I pay?!

I was hoping to have received a post card with a bar code where I can take that to the post office or conbini. Unfortunately that didn’t come. Should I be getting one?

I found an website for [paying using credit card]( but they seem to not know any of the assessment details. Is this the right site?

Hoping the brain trust of this sub will help me out again. Thanks in advance!

  1. You should have been presented with a page of available payment options, once your tax return had been completed and submitted.

    There are numerous means available depending on your own individual circumstances, from direct deposit (which needs to be applied for beforehand) to a QR code that you can use at a convenience store.

    They won’t issue a postcard.




    I’d recommend searching/inquiring here as well, if you have further need:


  2. If you log onto your e-tax account, there should be a page giving you options to pay online, including bank transfer and credit card and it will pre-fill all your tax information.

  3. That site is correct if you want to pay by credit card. You input the type of tax and how much you need to pay. If you have paid taxes to your current tax office, the 整理番号 will be the same as what was written on those paper bills.

  4. You can also pay by ATM. I did this as it was the simplest for me and without fees.

    ATMs of the major banks have a tax payment option. I used a SMBC ATM. You can pay by cash. You will need to input the various reference numbers.


  5. wathever method you choose, tomorrow is due day so try to pay today or tomorrow.

    you can also pay cash at the tax office, but having only tomorrow left you will probably wont get in. lots of last-minute folks and most offices give limited numbers to enter. I’d try bank or post office, and dont forget to save the receipt.

  6. I remember the first year of e-tax.

    We got sent a letter. “Try the new e-tax.” Complete with info in Japanese and English (important later) Bought a usb card reader. Tried to set it up and it wouldn’t work. So we went down to the tax office to be told….it’s not available for foreign residents yet.

  7. Pretty impressed you managed to file online.

    Last I looked at that it was absolutely demented, and I decided no way I’m going through that shit when I can just hit print and put it in an envelope.

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