Is there any logic to when too use getsu v. gatsu? Ex. 先々月, <- how do I know this is getsu v. gatsu? There are many words that contain 月and it feels like I always guess wrong. Frustrating.
It’s がつ when it’s used as a counter to specify which month of the year you’re talking about, i.e. いちがつ、にがつ, etc. and げつ or つき everywhere else that I can think of. To be clear the usage as a counter specifying which month also includes なんがつ for which asking which month.
Double checked my dictionary, and there don’t seem to be any other common words in which it’s pronounced がつ.
Edit: u/altazure below reminded me of 正月(しょうがつ). I just did a more thorough search of my dictionary, and this now seems to be fairly exhaustive for words that read 月 as がつ.
So updated list: names of months, 何月, and 正月 (and things containing 正月 like 小正月/大正月, etc.).
I was a reading a manga here:\_Shot\_2024-01-18\_at\_10.57.23\_PM.png?ex=65bc6853&is=65a9f353&hm=7cae241b0efef8da7e05ffa994809abe9954ed03d23e4516f6be175247b12035&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1134&height=952 an wondering can Otoko no ko be used to refer…
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It’s がつ when it’s used as a counter to specify which month of the year you’re talking about, i.e. いちがつ、にがつ, etc. and げつ or つき everywhere else that I can think of. To be clear the usage as a counter specifying which month also includes なんがつ for which asking which month.
Double checked my dictionary, and there don’t seem to be any other common words in which it’s pronounced がつ.
Edit: u/altazure below reminded me of 正月(しょうがつ). I just did a more thorough search of my dictionary, and this now seems to be fairly exhaustive for words that read 月 as がつ.
So updated list: names of months, 何月, and 正月 (and things containing 正月 like 小正月/大正月, etc.).