Good luck with today’s JLPT

Get a good night’s sleep before we all ride towards glorious victory.

What Level are taking? Got a good feeling?

I’m retaking N3. Last time I was only finished with 25% of N3 grammar and failed with only 2 points missing. Now I finished all of it, so I should be fine propably hopefully ohh please maybe…

  1. I am taking N1 and since life got in the way, I did not study for it, like at all. My weakest point is vocabulary and probably listening, but my grammar is quite good, reading as well, so whether or not I pass I don’t know. (I am going to retake it next year anyway, since if I do pass, my score will probably be really bad.)

    Anyway, good luck to everyone!

  2. I’ll be taking the N3, and definitely failing it. I originally was on track for studying it, but then my job began taking up more and more time, and I haven’t put in the needed time for studying. I’ll at least get the points and find out if I’m anywhere close to potentially passing.

    But, living in japan means I can just re-take it in the winter. I also don’t need any high-level certifications, so it’s ultimately not a big deal to me if I fail.

  3. I’m taking N4 tomorrow and I know I’m going to fail. I have not studied at all (been too busy, in hindsight signing up was a mistake) but I’m treating it like a very expensive dry run for the December exam. it’ll be interesting to see what my base level is, I guess

  4. I’m taking N5 for the first time and I’ve finished the unagibun simulation with 167/180 so I’m feeling confident. I’ve only been studying for a year about once a week so it feels good see some results of my studying.

  5. Taking N5 for the first time tomorrow. Figured I’d take N5 to get a feel for taking the JLPT, and to see how things are going progress wise as I started studying in earnest around February, bu had a lot of things happen in my life that have impacted my studying so the N5 is a way of (hopefully) giving me some confidence back. Irrespective of how it goes I’ll take N4 next summer (rather than in December because again, my studying has been hit a bit).

    I’ve passed both N5 practice papers available on the JLPT website reasonably well so I’m confident.

  6. N2 for the first time. Though most likely not last time, job and personal life got in the way with studying, and on top of that I woke up today with a freaking ear infection, that made my hearing way worse. Oh well, i guess I’ll be back in December.

  7. Taking the N4 tomorrow. Barely done any prep for the test itself and relying on all the practice & immersion I’ve done up to this point, so we’ll see how it goes.

    Best of luck to everyone today/tomorrow!!

  8. I wanted to retake N3 this summer but I live in Russia, so… yeah. Not happening.

  9. I am sitting the n2 tomorrow, I’ve done some prep but I’d say I’m probably more likely to fail unfortunately. I know a fair bit but I don’t think I’m quite there, oh well I can always try again in December if I dont

  10. Taking the N1, been scoring 120-125 on self assessed mock exams so hopefully the real grading algorithm isnt too harsh to me.

  11. N4, and I’m very much not confident in my ability to pass.

    Life (read: family) happened, and I was essentially unable to efficiently study from the middle of May until now. Kind of screwed but it’s whatever. I’ve mentally prepared myself for it.

  12. Taking N3 and it can go both ways. In theory I passed all 5 mock exams, but not feeling confident about grammar, not knowing 1-2 key words can ruin your reading and the listening conditions last year werent good, so that’s also my fear. And people caughing during listening suck too.

  13. Good luck everyone! I didn’t get in for my first JLPT but planning to take N5 in December in London.

  14. Thanks! Taking N3 for the first time. Never taken a JLPT before so I’m hoping I’ll pass ^^

  15. I’ll be retaking N2 tomorrow. Failed last year because I couldn’t finish 読解 in time, I did pass in 聴解, which was totally by chance as I had already given up by then. I feel my weakest points are vocabulary and reading now, since December my listening skill have improved a lot, so I hope I can at least get good results on listening and something average on the other subjects. Wish me luck 🙂

  16. My first time taking N2 and first time for any JLPT.

    I’ve been scoring around 80% in all the mock tests I took which is not as high as I’d like for me to be safe, but if the exam’s not too hard it should be alright.

  17. Good luck everyone!!!! Even if you don’t pass, just showing up and giving it your all is an amazing feat!!

  18. Taking N2 here. Confident on vocab, grammar and reading, listening is still iffy despite having practiced with plenty of podcasts and music.

    If I fail, oh well, I know what to work on for December. And also allows me to finish some writing I want to post here regarding what I used and how I rate it.

  19. 8th time taking N2 and this is probably the worst performance I’ve had. Shocking.

  20. Just finished the first section of the N1. Provided I don’t completely bomb the listening section (which is a possibility), I think I passed it.

  21. Looks like I am going to fail again, I think I do need a way to learn kanji.

  22. I went into it (N2) just to see where I am as I haven’t studied enough since N3. But… that was not the nightmare I imagined. Was told I don’t need to learn words like 偉い because they’re usually only written in hiragana. I’m glad I didn’t listen!

    Reading was awful, i didn’t bother reading any of the longer pieces in their entirety, just found the relevant section. Listening wasn’t so bad, it’ll probably be my highest score.

    One girl in my room definitely deserved a red card, she was still working on it a full minute after the proctor told everyone to stop.

  23. Second time N2 for me this time. I felt it was way more difficult than last time. Last time I had at least the feeling to knew some things and I managed to be done on time. But today I had to randomly answer almost two parts.

    Some areas were so slow, that the whole exam took a whole hour longer than scheduled lol..

  24. Good luck to all! I’m doing the N5 one for the very first time today and I am incredibly nervous… but I did do three test-exams and passed all of those so I hope I will be able to perform the same way on the actual test, and then hopefully pass so I can go onwards toward N4 😀

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