Tokyo Lights During the Holidays

I had planned to travel to see the new giant Gundam in Yokohama and spend some time in Tokyo next month but now I am re-planning for next year. It’s a long time off but I find that thinking about and researching my trips helps me to stay sane during these troubled times.

To that end, I would like to ask if anyone has advice for nighttime photo-ops in Tokyo and nearby areas (day-trip distance). To date, I have shot the skyline from Mori Tower and, of course, done Shibuya scramble and Kabukichō. I LOVE displays of colored lights, neon, lanterns, etc., and so am looking for ideas along these lines. I will be traveling in late November/early December so holiday light displays are also an option.

As a bonus, if you also have advice on the crowds, that would be helpful as well. For example, if your experience has shown that certain days or times are too crowded to be able to get good shots, then that would also be good info.

  1. Yokohama: Chinatown and Minato Mirai with Landmark’s Tower Sky Garden Observatory for skyline (bonus for aligning it with DeNA Baystars night time home games in April or late August/September)

    Odaiba Seaside Park: Rainbow Bridge at night

    Kabukiza Theatre for more classical light-up

    Ikebukuro: Think of less gentrified Shinjuku

    Ebisu Yokocho or Yurakucho: for that classical ikazaya feel

    Omiya station area: for me it’s the quintessential Blade Runner-like feel after dark.

  2. Actually the things I tried to find is pedestrian elevated crossing to take long exposition shot of the streets. Got a decent one of Omotesando, but my favorite was in Shibuya, close to west exit. I think there have been construction in the area sinve, but I would keep an eye on any place like that.

    Winter is winter illumination time, so just search for illumination in Tokyo and there is a lot of choice, [](

    A classic is also Senso-ji temple, that is lit at night, so even if the shops and such things are close, it’s still fun to walk around.

    It’s not especially neon signs, but Akihabara does have a lof of illuminated signs.

    Uguisudani could be an… interesting idea. There is a bunch of love hotels in the area, it might be worth a try.

    Of all those things, the only one I did that I would call crowded was Senso-ji on the new year eve, even if it was like 3 am there was still a lot of people.

  3. We were in Japan mid to late December into January and we got to see some awesome Winter Illuminations but the big ones we were hoping to see had already finished. It sounds like when you are planning to go is the perfect time for them.

    We did make it to the Shibuya Blue Cave on its last night which was busy but nice. However it is VERY blue. Hahahah obviously. So the people pictures we took had an awesome colour cast.

    Omotesando was lit all along its length and there was music playing if I recall correctly. With the pedestrian bridges over the road I think you can get some nice elevated shots out of the crowded sidewalks.

    The Caretta building in Shiodome had a beautiful Aladdin themed display that emptied out once the restaurants there started to close.

    We did make it to two outdoor teamlab installations which were amazing (but in Kyushu) so I would watch their website to see what they have planned for your dates and locations.

    (We also did the indoor installation teamlab Borderless on Odaiba. I have to admit to being grumpy that day and determined not to enjoy it (childish, I know) but I ended up being entranced.)

    Finally, Moment Factory also does outdoor installations in Japan so I would check their website as well. We couldn’t get to the one close to us in Kyushu (timing) but we have been to their installation at Mont Tremblant in Quebec and it was awesome. These ones are usually timed entrance so you might have a better chance of not being crowded out.

  4. The Marunouchi area usually has a winter light display along the entire street from Yurakucho station to Tokyo station. Trees along the entire street are wrapped in lights and its usually closed to vehicle traffic. Roppongi Hills and Omtesando usually have something similar. There are also winter markets setup around this time that have outdoor stands and some form of festive lighting.

  5. The skytree is quite lovely when it is lit up. I found that area to be less crowded so you may be able to take some very nice photos.

  6. Im not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I really enjoyed Jewellumination at Yomiuriland. Just so many colorful, twinkling lights. I was in heaven.

  7. Off the top of my head for a day trip, Enoshima island. The top at night has amazing views. Not just on the island it’s self but looking outward to the city and towns on the cost. It’s about 45 mins to a hour(rapid express train) from shinjuku station on the odakyu line. You could Probably fit in Odawara which isn’t much further in the same day which also has Odawara castle. You can also go to the top floor of the castle and get some great views.

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