Weekly Weekend Thread – 20 March 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Took the family to our first B League game. My toddler surprisingly really enjoyed it and was cheering along with the fans and clapping. Previously took him to a baseball game and instead of staying seated he wanted to run around the stadium most of the time and we missed like the entire game. It was a relief that he was able to watch the whole bball game. Guess we are now Brave Thunder Fans .

  2. Was sick with a cold, stayed home both Sat and Sun. Just played games and did some drawing.

  3. There’s a fairly good hot spring about 30 min by foot from my place and I’ve been putting off visiting it due to the pandemic but I had this Friday off to myself so after dropping my daughter off at nursery school I took a walk there and took a dip. It goes without saying it was a great way to melt some stress off. Gonna have to do it more regularly.

    On Saturday we went out to a shopping mall as my daughter has been asking me to get a haircut literally all week (she got one two weeks ago and I guess she really enjoyed the experience). The place had a Chokkins so we managed to get them to trim her bangs a little bit and style her hair and she was happy as a clam the rest of the day until it came to bath time and the idea of undoing her styled hair lead to a meltdown of epic proportions.

  4. Finished watching the Star Wars movies for the first time!一the orignal and prequel trilogies, at least. I’m told the sequels are really quite awful, but maybe I’ll watch them anyway one day to say I’ve seen them. Also finally watched Goodfellas. Been meaning to get around to that one.

  5. I’ve been in Fukuoka/Kyushu for the past week because my girlfriend’s parents moved back to Japan and moved there and I have had the best time.

    Yesterday we spent all day riding motorcycles around the island and it was amazing. It’s such a pretty place and the people here are so friendly. It’s one of my favorite places in Japan now, and I didn’t even really know about it until I was on the train here.

  6. Teaching my son the fundamentals of defensive driving with a manual transmission yesterday in the mountains. He graduated from FWD kei cars and is now practicing FWD regular size cars. He is learning much faster than I did at his age. Maybe it’s all that Gran Turismo he plays. Hopefully by summer he can graduate to rear wheel drive.

  7. My husband finally got his X-Trail e-Power e-4orce that he had been waiting on since July of last year. It’s a beautiful SUV with lots of room for Costco trips.

  8. What happened to the missing girl thread that was pinned to the top of here the other day? Seems completely deleted now.

  9. My dad is here and got to meet the kids finally. Shazza is still too shy around him but is slooooowy getting used to him.

    On the other hand, I’m not getting used to him being here. To sum it up – he knows better than me about how I do things. My stress is through the roof. It is mainly a “me” problem though.

    Had my early birthday dinner with the in-laws, then went to a big park in the perfect weather yesterday. Daughter had a great time smelling all the flowers, collecting all the acorns, and throwing her hat on the ground (it’s pretty hilarious apparently). A good day for sure.

  10. Went to the local park, had takoyaki for the first time in years, and took some nice tree photos.

    Also came to terms with the fact I probably have to replace my bicycle. It’s just a city bike, but I haven’t been kind to it and let it sit outside unprotected and dirty for years. Now the gears refuse to shift no matter how often I fix it; just doesn’t seem worth it anymore. At least the place where I bought it does trade ins if I buy I new one. I’ll make sure to at least buy a cover for the new one.

  11. Got my car looked at and was told the spark Plugs need a replacement. When I asked how much, the repairman said it would be expensive. When I asked how much, he said it would be a little over ¥10,000. It’s always funny when people expect you to be surprised at the price when it’s not that expensive at all.

  12. Watched “Everything Everywhere All At Once”. 4 people in the theater. According to Hubby, the subs were pretty bad and a lot of info was missing :/

  13. It wasn’t on the weekend, but I met the neighborhood cat by chance hanging out the laundry this morning. I didn’t have my phone nearby for a picture though…

  14. Got my wife into The Boys. Finished S1. Pretty excited for her to watch the rest.

    edit: because I’m an idiot

  15. (pre-amble)

    I’ve worked with kids in the past, really stuck with me how fast they learn and remember. (and why you need to be a good influnce for them!)

    I once read a short-story in English to a group of six-year-olds, it had the verb “rob”, and I explained it’s meaning. Later day that day, one of those kids had a toy stolen from her, and totalled me when she said she was robbed.

    Neither story nor explanation explained how to use the verb in the past tense. Kid’s, man?


    I occasionaly rough-house with my boy, never anything too serious, but I do teach him techniques (“Don’t pull if a limb is caught, wriggle. Lose a shirt before you dislocate something,” and “You’re big like me, you’ve gotreach. Stretch your fingers like a blade instead of swinging a fist like a club, God knows I’ve shown you how to throw a punch before…)

    I’m roughly four times his weight and twice his height, but when his little sister was about to fall asleep before dinner (worst timing, no afternoon nap, disrupts the overall family sleep schedule), well he was down to put on a show to keep her awake.

    Ankle sweeps and elbow/knee drops. Going for any exposed joints to keep me on my ass (I stay on my knees when we play, less hazard). A knife swipe so fast and close, I’ve got a red line on my nose to show for it. Short of standing up and using both arms, he had my number.

    Little sister was awake through dinner, and they both crashed hard for the night around the usual bed time. Wife asked me “You okay? That looked serious.”

    “Psh, please.”

    (This is the same kid who’ll sit with a stranger’s toddler at the city play place and, with the patience of a saint, try and show them how a puzzle works.)

    We also enjoyed SNES era Kirby, and a game I call Multi-Balloon Ball, which has fewer rules than Calvinball.

  16. A good friend is visiting, so we went to try some cute desserts – canele, parfait, ice cream (?), Sanrio cafe and did a little shopping for anime goods and clothes.

  17. Saturday was a day full of people killing themselves on the Hankyu line. 3 separate accidents, and we got caught up each time. My son obviously had no idea what happened but he really wanted to go home from Kyoto but we couldn’t.

    Even thought about taking Keihan back to Osaka from Kyoto, then someone offed themselves on the Keihan as well. Fuckin hell.

  18. visited a friend and had fun playing on nintendo switch, now I want a ring fit adventure set myself 😀

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