Best way to pronounce particle “ha”

Konnichiha I learned to pronounce the particle “ha” as “wa” but a lot of people also pronounce that particle as “ga”. Is it a big deal to pronounce it “wa” vs “ga” and is one pronunciation is more common than the other?

  1. No one pronounce wa as ga! For the love of chinchin stop listen to your ”teacher” and please get a new one or a proper textbook if you are the just the slightest interested in learning some Japanese. Wa and Ga particle are in the top most common particles to form sentences and if you start getting those wrong or even worse see them as the same you are in for a hell of a ride my friend.
    Thats all for me good luck 👍

  2. Thanks also who tf is down voting me for this? Lol come on guys it effects my karma and I don’t feel like anything I asked was worth a down vote. I was taught to pronounce it wa, recently I took a continued education class and was told what I’m being down voted on that ga and wa could be interchangeable. I hadn’t heard that an thought I’d ask haha, but why am I getting down voted for asking a question? Geez.

  3. Maybe you were mishearing your teacher saying you can pronounce が as kind of like “nga” instead of “ga”

  4. は is either “ha” if it’s part of a word or “wa” if it’s acting as a topic particle. If your teacher’s telling you to pronounce it “ga”, you either misheard your teacher badly or you need a new teacher godspeed

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