Any experienced foragers here?

It’s early spring and I would really love to go foraging for 山菜! I live in Chiba but wouldn’t mind going up to a few hours away from Tokyo. I would super appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction so I can find a local guide and/or identification books. My Japanese is conversational level, maybe about N3-N2. I’m fit and equipped enough for hiking.

  1. I’m out in Nagano prefecture, just a little early still out here for mushrooms. I have seen some people posting finds of morels they found at a park in Tokyo in one of my mushroom groups on fb. I have found that people here are very protective and secretive with their foraging spots so just a heads up.

  2. For books: search for 山菜&きのこ採り on Amazon.

    There used to be a guided foraging tour in Okutama, but I don’t remember any details. Maybe ask Google.

  3. There is a good book that I bought called うまい雑草、ヤバイ野草 that shows Japan’s edible herbs and mushrooms and then right next to them, a bunch of herbs and mushrooms that look exactly the same (and are often more common), but kill you.

    I decided to not go foraging without someone that knows what they are doing, haha.

    A local guide would be the way imo. I don’t know of any though, sorry.

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