What else can i do?!

I’ve dropped semi permanent hair dye on my bathroom floor.

I believe the flooring is vinyl or something. I didn’t notice the stain until i removed everything from the bathroom.

I tried everything, acetone, bleach, kabikira, utamaro. Nothing is working. I’m stressed out because I can’t afford to pay if they’re going to ask me to pay for it ☹️

What will you use for it? 🥲

  1. You can try to use one part hydrogen peroxide and one part baking soda . Or try half a cup of vinegar and a tablespoon baking soda.

  2. Rubbing alcohol. Or bleach but leave it on longer. Lay saran wrap over the liquid to prevent it evaporating.

  3. Get a tub of isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol) from Amazon. Drop a little bit on the vinyl in a hidden corner of the room to check the vinyl won’t get broken down. If the vinyl doesn’t discolour or bubble then you’re fine. Either soak the stain with the isopropanol or rub it off with a rag.

    Failing that, see if a friend has a steam cleaner

  4. Why not drop more on the floor and spread it around to make the color even? Experiment with funky colors of you like.

  5. Just a friendly safety reminder that whatever you do, DO NOT mix bleach with vinegar because it can create poisonous chlorine gas.

  6. I’ve caused a very similar damage to my bathroom wall with fabric dye. I believe the landlord deducted 18000 yen from my deposit when I left.

    Add: for those of you, never use a ceramic mug around your ceramic bathroom sink. I dropped one while brushing teeth, and my sink cracked. That one costed whopping 6 man yen.

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