
Anyone else suffering severe natsubate this year???Man… I just feel so tired and sleepy everyday since that last typhoon passed by. Lost my appetite and got some muscle pains too. Everyday I feel like I just did 2 hours of physical training, but didn\`t.

I\`m living in Fukuoka. This year is so hot and humid.

Only ppl living here in Kyushu and/or Japan comment please.

Edit – I should have also added natsubate in English means summer fatigue, nothing dirty hahaha

  1. I usually get it. I take this time to help cut my weight down a bit. But this year doesn’t seem too bad so far in Tokyo. There was that heatwave a couple weeks ago and we’ll have to see what August brings.

  2. Get some electrolytes. Idiocracy jokes aside, natsubate is generally caused by electrolyte imbalance, you sweat your essential salts out in the heat.

    Easy quick source – eat a banana and wash it down with a bottle of Pocari sweat or Aquarius.

    For longer term you can get electrolyte powder. iHerb has a good election, and you can get most of them on Amazon as well.

  3. Just learned what was natsubate yesterday night and definitely suffering from it. Was 3 week in Switzerland and man the come back to Tokyo is hard, I don’t eat much, always tired and really hard to sleep at night. The worst, I think this year is not so hot and humid compare to last year but my body just said f#* it

  4. I feel your pain, fucking natsubate. I come from a Mediterranean country and the heat there is also brutal, but it’s drier and I’ve never felt there what happens to me here. It’s like your brain being liquefied, you can’t think straight. You feel sleepy all day and your appetite is considerably lost. Muscles feel like rubber. Pure shit.

    To battle it, it has been suggested to increase the intake of electrolytes with food. I can state that this certainly helps, but at least in my case it doesn’t completely solve the problem. After all, every year all I do is crawl around like a vermin and just wait until this crap is over (which usually isn’t until well into September).

    By the way, now living in Tottori but I also lived in Fukuoka for a bit more than a year. Magnificent city. Now you have there the Hakata Gion Yamakasa matsuri, right? : )

  5. Cut the sugar. Normally I feel like shit during summer. Feeling much better now that I’m on healthy diet.

  6. Yeah, I’m natsubating hard every day. This summer is crazy.
    I became a 日傘男子 too.

  7. I practically have my AC up all day. My electricity bill is going to look ugly…
    And this lasts all the way till October. Argh.

  8. This year has been the worst. Sapping all energy and joy out of life. Upping vegetables and ion water/sports drinks do help but they can’t do miracles.

  9. I was feeling it last week, then I tested for Covid… it’s everywhere right now.

  10. It’s so hard to muster the willpower to workout after I get home.

    What I’m most tired of though is my de-humidifier filling up while I’m asleep, so I wake up to a muggy house. I empty it literally right before I get in my futon and it’s still filled and turned itself off when I wake up.

    I might invest in one with a larger tank before next summer…

  11. Is that when you feel way more horny in the summer time so you need to natsubate?

  12. I try to stay indoors as much as possible during hte summers in Japan. AC on. I hated summer in America and I hate them even more here.

  13. I come from Spain. I was born to stand up to 45 Celsius.

    Jokes aside, stuff like miso soup (with wakame, aosa or another seaweed!), salt candies at shops, and drinking mineral water will fill your minerals. Try to eat a bit more fruits, vegetables and tea. I workout every day, go sauna everyday and sweat my ass off every day at my home, and this works for me.

  14. Between this and the bukkake thread mentioning Semen… what in gods name is going on today?

  15. I feel your pain. I’m in Saitama and this year is particularly bad: I feel sleepy all the time and it’s particularly difficult to focus.

    I have the feeling that it’s compounded by the fact that now we work from home and the lack of physical activity and mental stimulation makes it even worse.

  16. It’s been too hot and humid, with ac the room gets too cold and when I turn it on the bed gets wet with Natsusweat. Plus no amount of sleep feels enough!
    I have never missed morning alarms like I did this month ever before. This Natsu is taking a toll on my health.

  17. Yeah, it’s rough. I bought zero calorie Blendy and a crate of Oi “bold” green tea to get through it without becoming a fat ass

    Air Conditioner and light clothing a must. I’m not even trying to exercise or leave the house unless I absolutely have to

  18. I have heard that a particular Turkish yogurt drink helps. something with electrolytes. Anyone knows what’s it called?

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