Can I replace masuka with masuno in the verb ending?

For example like 要りますか to 要りますの

  1. You COULD, but it’s pretty weird. の as a question marker is pretty casual, homey, and wouldn’t be the kind of thing you would use in a ます using situation.

  2. ますか and ますの are not combined items

    ます is part of the polite conjugation of verbs, in this case 要るーー>要ります

    か is a sentence ending particle for questions

    の has a lot of uses, but at the end of a sentence, it’s an “explainer”, it turns 要るか=”is it needed?” into something closer to 要るの=”is it that it’s needed?”

    however, の used this way is almost entirely for casual form, not after a polite form

  3. This is the problem with people saying の is a casual question marker

    The の for question is the same の in のだ・んだ. As a question, rather than giving an explanation, it now seeks it. 要りますか is a simple question, often an offer of something, while 要るんですか (the actual form it would take it if you’re not a fictional ojousama) is now a real question. Someone comes right up to you and says 「リンゴください!」, you might reply with that. Example exaggerated a little to help illustrate the difference.

    In short, not usually, and even if you did use it would mean something a little different. の is *not* just a casual question marker like some people (even one I’ve seen on this very sub) explain it as.

    EDIT: Another thing I’ve seen is ~くれないの used by learners for requests. That ends up sounding like ‘Wait, you’re not going to…?’

  4. The most useful answer is no. In normal conversation it would be unnatural approaching incorrect to use の to finish a sentence when speaking in です and ます.

    The long answer is: technically yes. This 〜ですの 〜ますの is called 役割語 Yakuwarigo and is a stylized ‘dialect’ we use specifically in literary works to characterize speech. Usually young, rich daughters of wealthy families use this type of speech in anime and manga. Because we all know how this stylization works we can understand the meaning. However, there are no (although I’m sure someone somewhere does do this) people who speak like this in real life day to day.

    You can however use ‘no’ on regular verbs. As in your example: 要るの?can be used to ask a question, and 要るの。can be used to make a statement. These are natural uses but have specific nuance that makes them appropriate in some situations and maybe not so much in others, like all 語尾 gobi.

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