Hello Japan. Please help. I am looking for this special foot patch that healed by chronic back pain caused by an injury, this was 25 years ago.

I don’t remember the name of it. Packaging was in Japanese. I can’t find it anywhere or have encountered anything similar to it. A close friend bought it for me to try from a Chinese new paper advertisement while in the USA. I believe it was shipped from Japan.

Physical Description:
1. The patch sheets came in a box of 20, ~$200 USD a box, or $20 a sheet.
2. Sheet was around 8×11 inches.
3. Green/Teel color synthetic gel like adhesive with a white clothes backing. The gel part of the patch is about 1mm thick, very spongy like.
4. Very stretchy but the adhesive was very good.
5. Has a very distinct smell that I have not encountered since. Almost like a chemical minty like smell, but it wasn’t mint. It doesn’t seem naturally dervived.

1. I was able to cut each sheet into 4 foot patches.
2. Instruction specifically said to adhere them under my feet to sleep, I sometimes put on socks to prevent it from getting rubbed off.
3. The gel is like a cooling gel, but it has some sort of chemical in it.
4. When I wake up in the morning, my feet are hyper sensitive. Almost feels like energy has sucked out of my foot. I cant fully describe the feeling. But walking on laminate floor feels like I am walking on ice. And goes away after 20 minutes after removing the patch.
5. In addition to my feet feeling hyper sensitive, my entire body has a sense of relief. Like I have no tension on my muscles. My back pain is significantly reduced each time I use it.
6. I used this patch for about 3 months, my back pain that lasted for 3 years completely went away and never came back.

I know this sounds like I am making this up. Why wouldn’t such a miracle foot patch exist now? I assure you that this isn’t some placebo scam detox product that you see all over the internet now. I have never been able to find it again. No one seem to know or have heard of anything remotely similar. I feel like I am alone in this… If anyone in Japan knows what or where I can find this foot patches. Please let me know.


  1. You’re describing medicated poultices/湿布. They come in various types, with various smells depending on what’s in them. They’re not unique to Japan, although they are very popular over here. $200 USD for a box is an insane price to pay. I would suggest trying different brands of locally available poultices and seeing if one works before shelling out crazy amounts of money for Japanese ones.

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