Don’t forget to look back and celebrate small wins

You probably see lots of these posts – and this one isn’t different. It’s just another motivational reminder that you _are_ making progress and you _are_ learning even if it doesn’t seem so.

I’m very much at the beginning of my way with ~2 months of Genki + Tango N5 + Duolingo behind me, but today I was so delighted to realise I could read an entire long phrase without hesitation – the very same long phrase I struggled with so much a month ago, banging my head at the incomprehensible mash of random symbols.

Then, something even more magical happened: I realised I can read a word I haven’t seen before, guessing its pronunciation and meaning from the Kanjis it was composed of!

This feeling, the feeling of discovery, is the essence of what makes spending hundreds and thousands of hours to learn a language worthwhile.

Even though I can’t comprehend the simplest things in manga for children and I struggle a lot with new material, I’m still moving forward and I’m certain that soon there will be many more small wins like these to enjoy.

So look back at the time when you started, see how much you learned, and be proud of all the progress you’ve made.

Now, onto the next many years of study. 🙂

  1. I’m pretty much at the same level as you, self study, 3 months till the exams, will try to pass N4. Then I tried N4 practice tests online and holyshit, I struggled so much in Choukai. Now getting pressured af.

    But looking back, same as you, I can read phrases and sentences that I cannot from 3 months ago. That’s a win. I just need more wins for the next 3 months

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